The story of the Sorebozo Rebozos
Why these organic cotton scarves?
Once upon a time there was a young woman (yes, for the story …), a future mother, who was trained in Rebozo Care. In this practice, which is given after childbirth, after having kneaded the woman in oil, made her soften in a hot steam bath, left to simmer a few minutes so that she keeps on to well disgorge (yes yes you will see in real for those who want, it’s very glamorous !!), we sausage them in the tissues and we reseal everything from head to toe in so-called Rebozos! So, this woman (because not so young it must be admitted), she sees the beautiful Mexican fabrics, this American cotton swollen with pesticides and other boosting products, bright colors made possible by modern chemistry, on this body that the previous preparation rendered porous to all substances. And then the script turns sour: stop! Let’s stop the massacre … (uh, especially if the woman is breastfeeding !!).
This is the film that took place in my head during my training and my first practices.
A little perfectionist and stubborn (or persistent??), I put myself in mind to find fabrics worthy to welcome these women (and why not men too) during his care. In organic fabrics, natural dyes, ethical tailoring.
Well, Yes, we might as well!!
The bar was high. We might as well too!!
Helped by friends, I found someone who would help me make them exist.
And so, SoRebozo is born! !
Also ethical, because we borrow this world from children, we give a big boost to the planet! And here I send you back to the site of Fibre Bio which explains it very well (observations that pushed them to get to the textile industry, 2nd most polluting industry in the world after oil).